Do you even know where you're going? Goal-setting with Phil Jackson, salon business coach

Do you even know where you're going?

October 23, 20213 min read

I get it - we're busy people.  Thing is, if your salon business doesn't have a clear sense of direction there's a real danger that you lift your head after a few years and realise that:

  1. You're burnt out, and

  2. Your dreams and ambitions are no closer than they were three years ago

It's great that your salon diary is full, and maybe you're making good money too.  But are you actually moving forward on your goals?  Do you even know how to set great goals?

How to set crappy goals for your salon business

Speak to a roomful of entrepreneurs about their goals, and it won't be long until someone says the magic number: 1m.  They either want a £1m business, or personal income of £1m, or £1m in profit.

Which is a terrible goal.

Not because I don't want you to be ambitious (heck, I want you to dream bigger not smaller) but because the number is arbitrary - it's not connected to anything.  It's just a nice, round number.

Which leaves me unconvinced that you'll ever get there.

What would convince me is if you said you wanted £968k in personal income because that would leave you mortgage free, give you 200k to invest in a trust fund for your kid's education and pay for your mother's hip replacement.

That makes your goal both tangible and meaningful.

How to set meaningful goals

Before we start on your goals, you've got to get the bigger picture of your life right.  This is about deciding what's important to you.  Paying for your mother's hip replacement is motivating and meaningful - but only if family is something you've identified as important.

Without your values as anchors, it's really hard to make sure your goals are aligned.

How do you know when you're out of alignment?  Look out for feelings of overwhelm, lack of motivation or losing the joy for things you used to enjoy.

Goals into daily actions

I should be able to see evidence of your goals in your calendar.  I should see that you're making time for your passion projects and the things you've decided are important in your life.

Your daily actions should be aligned with your goals and values.  Think of it in simple terms - everything you do is either taking you closer to your dreams and ambitions, or further away - and I mean everything. Nothing has no effect at all.

What REALLY makes the difference

Striving for goals can be tough.  That's why there is an enormous industry around helping us lose wight, exercise better, stop drinking, stop smoking and countless other ways we might choose to improve our lives.

Because accountability makes all the difference.  Feeling tempted by an extra slice of cheesecake is one thing - feeling like you've let down your diet tribe and you might not win 'Slimmer of the Week" is another.

Accountability works - but as salonpreneurs, you don't have a boss.  And that's not all.  Your friends won't always call you out on your excuses.  SO I think you need professional accountability.  A coach (ahem!) or mentor can not only help you get clarity around what you want to achieve, but help you stick to your chosen course too. 

Phil Jackson has been in salons since 1999 and has seen the industry as an employee, salon owner, manager, and teacher.

As a speaker and business book author, his approach is direct (sometimes called “sassy!) and his advice is eminently practical.  “I never wanted to be a guru, handing down advice.  I am in the trenches with you, feeling your pain and fighting alongside you”.

Phil Jackson - Salon Business Coach

Phil Jackson has been in salons since 1999 and has seen the industry as an employee, salon owner, manager, and teacher. As a speaker and business book author, his approach is direct (sometimes called “sassy!) and his advice is eminently practical. “I never wanted to be a guru, handing down advice. I am in the trenches with you, feeling your pain and fighting alongside you”.

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